Coalition partners: Visit The Home Page
Q: HOW ARE YOU DIFFERENT FROM THE PARAGON TAXI SERVICE? A: Well, first and foremost, I want to stress that we are NOT in competition. In fact, The Taxibots were the inspirations for The Squad, and are currently members of a coalition with us. There are, however, a two differences between us:
Q: WHAT SERVERS DO YOU PLAY ON? A: Right now, we only operate on The Virtue Server. Q: WHY DO YOU ONLY OPERATE IN THE HOLLOWS? A: The Hollows is a unique area of Paragon City. Because a number of low-level mission take place there, there are usually a large number of heroes with no travel powers, which makes it incredibly difficult to navigate, especially areas like Grendel's Gulch. The Kill X Number of villains are also notoriously difficult to solo at the level they are given. Combine this with the inexperience of many of the heroes, and you have a zone in desperate need of dedicated assistance. |